package in.rob.client.dialog; import in.lib.Constants; import in.model.Post; import in.rob.client.R; import android.os.Bundle; /** * Reply post dialog used for replying to a post in timeline or thread * * Possible extra arguments: * <ul> * <li><b>{@linkplain Constants Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO}</b>: The {@link Post} object to reply to</li> * <li><b>{@linkplain Constants Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO_EXTRA}</b>: A string resource of extra @usernames to include</li> * <li><b>{@linkplain Constants Constants.EXTRA_TEXT}</b>: A string resource to include at the end of the post</li> * <li><b>{@linkplain Constants Constants.EXTRA_POST_ID}</b>: A string resource of the Post ID to reply to, if you supply this, you <b>must</b> supply <b>{@linkplain Constants Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO_EXTRA}</b> with the user's mention name * </ul> */ public class ReplyPostDialog extends NewPostDialog { @Override public void retrieveArguments(Bundle instances) { super.retrieveArguments(instances); tempTitle = getString(R.string.reply_post); if (instances != null) { String postText = ""; if (instances.containsKey(Constants.EXTRA_TEXT)) { postText += (instances.getString(Constants.EXTRA_TEXT)); } if (instances.containsKey(Constants.EXTRA_POST_ID)) { if (instances.containsKey(Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO_EXTRA)) { postText = "@" + (instances.getString(Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO_EXTRA)); tempTitle = String.format(getString(R.string.reply_to), instances.getString(Constants.EXTRA_REPLY_TO_EXTRA)); } else { tempTitle = getString(R.string.reply_thread); } if (postText.length() > 0) { postText += " "; } getCurrentPost().setPostText(postText); getCurrentPost().setReplyId(instances.getString(Constants.EXTRA_POST_ID)); } } if (instances.containsKey(Constants.EXTRA_TITLE)) { tempTitle = instances.getString(Constants.EXTRA_TITLE); } } }